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Are You Wondering...
What Natural
Products & Company's 

Can I Really Trust?

As a woman and a mom, it’s hard to know what BEAUTY, COOKWARE, FOOD, and SUPPLEMENT products to trust on the market today. Many contain HARMFUL TOXINS that can take a toll on the body and lead to major health problems in the future.


Taking the time to research and decide what natural products (that actually work) to use for your family can be overwhelming at times! This is why I created this page, FOR YOU, to take the ease off of some of the research and help guide you in the process of natural, clean and healthy living. Here are some of the reasons you will benefit from My Favorites Resource Vault.


  • UPDATED natural health products list of the BEST OF THE BEST!

  • These are all Companies you can TRUST!

  • The BEST DEALS for you when using the links below! (Special Pricing)

  • A LEARN MORE section from me to help you get started! (My Gift to help you in the process. ❤️)

          *Please be patient while I'm creating all this AMAZING content for you. Thank You!

Please Note: By using the referral links below; we may receive a small commission to help continue creating and delivering stellar content to you regularly. THANK YOU!

Quality Supplements

Quality Supplements
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Professional Grade Supplements

I have partnered with Fullscript to offer high-quality supplements you can trust! temperature regulated storage unlike AMAZON! (Be Careful)

You will receive 5% off at check out by using the link below. Enjoy! 

Learn More

Essential Oils

My family's life changed once we discovered high quality Essential Oils!
Shop high-quality, organic, certified pure, 3rd party tested essential oils
That Work & Boost Immunity!

Use the link below to 
Save 25% with Wholesale Membership!

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J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution is derived from mined crystals from 320 million-year-old natural brine deposits two miles beneath the earth's surface in Western USA (one of the few places in the world where such deposits exist). 

Use the link below to order Today!


Beauty & Personal Care

100% Pure Makeup


Non-toxic | Vegan Makeup

that gives you all that glamorous sparkle and shine you like! 

Use the link below to SAVE $15 off

your first order.


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Blue Light Blocking Glasses

I love my Night  & Day Bluelight Blocking Glasses. They are the only blue light-blocking glasses that have been independently and scientifically validated. A 2016 study conducted over a four-week period using sleep monitoring devices showed significant improvements in self-reported and objectively measured sleep.

Use the link below or code DRLAUREN to SAVE 15-30%.

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Ionic Footbath

Would you like to own your own top-of-the-line IonCleanse ionic foot bath?


Click the link below to get one today. Payment plans are available. 

Tell them Dr. Lauren sent you for a discount! 

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EMR-TEK Red Light

EMRTEK red light therapy supports the body by penetrating deep into cells with red and near-infrared light, enhancing cellular energy (ATP) production. It promotes faster recovery, reduces inflammation, improves circulation, supports skin health, and boosts overall energy and mood.

Use the link below or code DRLAUREN to SAVE 15-30%.

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Peluva Footwear

A minimalist shoe that delivers all three crucial criteria: comfort, function, and style, while supporting your overall body structure and health.

This integrative design optimizes your movement to keep it natural, simple, and foundational, to let feet be feet, so you can be the best you.

Use the link below or code DRLAUREN to SAVE 10%

Kitche Essentials

Home & Kitchen EssentiALS

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Fontana Candles

Our candles are made with only the finest quality beeswax and coconut oil, infused with essential oils that not only smell amazing, but also don't harm human or environmental health. 

Use Code : DrLaurenMoffatt15 to save 15%

Learn More

360 Cookware

 New FAVORITE Cookware!

Vaporless stainless steel cookware made with T-304 Surgical Grade stainless steel. Built to last for generations!

Lifetime Warranty.

Use Code : DrLauren20 to save 20%

Learn More

ORGANIC Food & Grocery

Orgnaic Food & Grocery

Thrive Market


My new favorite place to shop for organic, healthy, & natural products. I save hundreds on my grocery bill every month.

*Save 30% off your first order by using the link below!

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Purity Coffee

The FIRST coffee company in the world that is completely focused on maximizing health benefits.

Organic, No Mold EVER, Sustainably Sourced, Exceptional Taste

*SAVE* $10 off your first Purity Coffee order using the link below! 

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Grass-fed Whey Protein

Paleovalley 100% Grass Fed Whey Protein with Colostrum provides a high-quality, nutrient-dense protein and colostrum product that is non-denatured - meaning these fragile compounds are undamaged and intact.

*SAVE* 15% off your order using the link below


Butcher Box

Quality Meat You Can TRUST!

100% grass-fed & finished beef, wild caught seafood & organic poultry delivered to your door with free shipping.

*SAVE* $30 off your first butcher box using link below! 


Misfits Market

Get organic locally sourced produce and sustainably sourced groceries delivered to your door at up to 40% off grocery store prices today.

*SAVE* $20 off your first Misfits Market Box by order using the link below OR by using the code 


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Wild Pastures

Quality Meat You Can TRUST!

100% grass-fed & finished beef, wild caught seafood & organic poultry delivered to your door with free shipping.

*SAVE* $30 off your first butcher box using link below! 


Beef Jerky Sticks

Our beef sticks are made with the highest-quality, 100% grass-fed beef from small-scale American family farms using regenerative farming practices to produce the healthiest meat possible.

Making on-the-go snacks and meals easier!

*SAVE* 50% off by using the link below

Other Holistic BusinessES

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© 2019 - 2025 Dr. Lauren Moffatt  | All Rights Reserved



The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.


Results featured on this website are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. The products featured on this website distribute product lines made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This website, courses, and appointments with Dr. Lauren are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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